Getting up early and grabbing some buns with jam and cheese on them for free is a great feeling when you are trying to save while spending money! All four of us rented some bikes and took off into the crowded city dodging trains cars and mostly people. We got out of the main city of Munich and headed into a park where we saw people surfing. Yes you heard me correctly SURFING in Germany. They used the river to create a swell high enough to surf on it:
Whe continued riding for many many kilometers and saw the worlds second biggest beergarden. As you can imagine after riding around for a long time we were starving. Well the true question would be when am I not hungry? We came back to the main part of town and I saw a sign that had my mum's work on it:

It was a flea market with a bunch of shops with fruits and vegetables but also some cheap restaurants with Snitchel and Bratwurst. And afcourse a mini beer garden:
We continued to explore by parking our bikes and walking to let the food and beer digest.
Our first stop was St. Peter's cathedral which we only saw from outside yesterday, and wow did it blow our mind when we went in. The ceiling was so high and there was so much detail to every sculpture and painting:
Our second stop was at the main plaza where there was a restaurant in the middle of a cathedral and we could go up the tower for €2.50. Sounded expensive at the time but it did provide me with this view from atop of Munich:
This above is St. Peter's from the outside
The cathedrals weren't the only good views when we stumbled upon this BMW i8:
We had already seen the main city so we got our bikes and headed in the "general" direction of places on the map. We finally got to St. Paul's cathedral and it looked like this:
We also got to see where they were setting up for Oktoberfest and saw this ginormous statue right next to the venue:
As night time came around we wanted to check out the famous beergarden in the main plaza but didn't end up getting a seat because it was so packed! When we walked back outside I heard two guys talking Afrikaans and then ended up staying and talking with them for a bit. They weren't all that great to be honest. 37 year old men who smoke cigarettes. But no complaints about talking afrikaans again. That's the biggest downfall to Europe is that EVERYONE smokes!