Friday, September 12, 2014

Day Seven:

Today was just a relaxing day where the sun seemed to have graced our lives with such beauty. Scotland hasn't given us rain yet! Knock on wood. Connor and I ended up just relaxing in the sun at he botanical gardens and falling asleep. Mid afternoon naps are something that needs to be more common. 

I don't necessarily have any pictures for the day because there wasn't much going on. I ended up going to the gym and after that I had a bus your where it took us around downtown and some of the outskirts of glasgow. I saw some interesting modern art buildings and got an espresso which absolutely was the worst thing I've ever had. 

Mattie seems to have caught a cold and I now have it too. I did however try haggis which is a speciality here in glasgow: 

But other than that it was just a sunny afternoon: