But just when I thought we were leaving there had to be one more memory that I won't be able to forget about this place. The toilet. Yup. The long drop, piss pot, lu, bathroom, washroom, water closet or whichever way you know it by. It wasn't what you are thinking of I can guarantee that:
A hole in the ground is what I would like to name this one. And if you are wondering if this is a urinal, it's not.
This was at the restaurant we are at before we got on the train, which is a great segway into my next topic. Food. I know I know ew gross well sorry but im trying to stay as chronological as I can. I ordered a panini and got a BUS instead:
Only a two hour train to Venice, where the scenery was completely different:
More tourist than actual buildings in this case. Ofcourse being in a place where the roads are canals isn't such a bad thing to experience. I've been to Venice before but it was on the opposite end so this is all new to me, but still the same with how many tourist there are.
It got quiter and less crowded the more we walked towards our hotel which is close to the coast. We had 3 helpings of gelato and pizza for dinner. When in Rome... I mean Venice:
This was the actual colour of the sky before the sun set. The two things that already started to annoy me was the amount of Americans and the amount of Haglers (People trying to sell you stuff). I have nothing against Americans but I didn't come to Italy to talk to the people I live with constantly. Tomorrow we will walk through San Polo and San Marco trying to cover as much as the island as possible.